Election Fraud Is Easy

In 2016, California decided to join some other foolish states by opening our elections to fraud.


By blithely scattering ballots around the landscape every election. Our brain-dead legislators passed the “Voters Choice Act”, and once the enabling legislation was enacted, in every election since then they’ve sent a mail-in ballot to every registered voter. Millions of them. To live voters. Dead voters. Voters that have moved. Everyone.

Now, I’d read that sending mail-in ballots to everyone makes election fraud easy. But I’m a scientist, and I do my best to disbelieve rumors. So I decided to put it to the test.

Here’s a copy of the most recent blurb that I get each election from the California Secretary of State:

As you can see, they said I can vote in person. And they said that I can vote by mail.

So starting three elections ago, I did exactly that. I voted in person, and I voted by mail.

I made no attempt to disguise that fact. I signed my actual name to the mail-in ballot and everything. Then I waited for the axe to fall …

… nothing. Not a hint. Not a whisper.

I thought maybe this was just a fluke. So two elections ago, I did exactly the same thing … with exactly the same result. Nothing happened at all.

Finally, in the most recent 2022 election, I did the same again. As I’d done in each previous election, I showed my photo ID and voted in person at my polling place, and I deposited my filled-out mail-in ballot in the nearest ballot drop box.

For the first time, the day after this latest election I got an early morning text from the California Secretary of State. I thought, “Thank goodness, they’ve finally gotten it together to detect fraudulent votes! Bad news is, I’m busted!” and my heart started beating faster … but no. The text said:

This is a message from the California Secretary of State on behalf of Sonoma County Registrar of Voters. Our records indicate you voted in person at a voting location. Your vote for the November 8, 2022, General Election will be included in the election results. Thank you for voting!

So nope. They haven’t noticed the voter fraud.

Now, I could have collected a bunch of ballots and sent them all in. It would be easy to do. I live in a rural low-crime area. All I’d have to do is wander around after dark on the day my mail-in ballot arrived and collect ballots from rural mailboxes. Then fill them out, put on any kind of illegible signature, and send them in.

Would that have made a difference? As I write this, the difference in the Lauren Boebert race is about 50 votes out of 150,000 … and local city and county races often are decided by a handful of votes.

But my intent was not to actually affect the election, quite the opposite. My intent was simply to prove, not just assert but demonstrate, just how easy voter fraud is when mail-in ballots are sent to every registered voter.

The solution, of course, is simple. Fair, honest, fraud-free elections are conducted all around the globe. The keys are:

  • Voter Photo ID must be required, as is the case in Mexico, India, and almost every country. ID is to be provided by the state free of charge.
  • Paper ballots only. As someone who has programmed computers for over half a century, I can assure you that any voting machine can be hacked. It’s far and away the easiest and most secure way to cheat. Paper ballots cannot be hacked.
  • Voting in person, with absentee ballots only for the military, people living overseas, and invalids unable to travel to the polling place.
  • No mail-in ballots. As I’ve proven in three successive elections, they make voter fraud far too simple to accomplish.
  • No ballot harvesting. Combined with mail-in ballots, harvesting makes mass fraud quite simple.
  • Secure handling of all ballots, with an audit trail to allow any batch to be checked and recounted.
  • Hand counting of ballots, with observers from both parties watching the count. Vote tally machines are as easy to hack as voting machines.
  • Make election day a public holiday, with voting only on that day, no early voting.

If we take those simple, easy-to-implement steps, our elections will be secure, transparent, and fair. There’s only one reason that a person or a political party would oppose this plan—because they want it to be easy to cheat.

And now, my experiment is over, “les jeux sont faits”. In closing, yes, I know that I’ve committed three separate crimes. And I know that the fact that I’ve committed them as a part of a scientific experiment does not make them legal.


  DIVISION 18. PENAL PROVISIONS [18000 – 18700]

    CHAPTER 6. Corruption of the Voting Process [18500 – 18578]

      ARTICLE 4. Corruption of Voting [18560 – 18578]


Every person is guilty of a crime punishable by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code for 16 months or two or three years, or in a county jail not exceeding one year, who:

(b) Being entitled to vote at an election, votes more than once, attempts to vote more than once, or knowingly hands in two or more ballots folded together at that election.

“Votes more than once”. That would be me. Three separate offenses, per the law that’s up to four to nine years of jail time.

And if the State of California wants to come after me and charge me, well, so be it. I’ve been in jail before. If I have to go on trial to improve our voting system, I can live with that. My trial would bring national attention to the fact that people in countries all around the world are laughing their asterisks off at the US because we don’t require Voter ID, it takes us weeks to count the ballots, there’s no audit trail, and we’ve opened our elections to crooks and invited the fraudsters in.

And they assuredly are coming in, because as I’ve demonstrated by example … election fraud is easy.

Look, this shouldn’t be a partisan issue. We should all work to support the implementation of the simple reforms outlined above. Transparent honest elections are in everyone’s interest, and the lack of them has spread immense discontent and problems in every election since 2016. I don’t want to see this madness in every election from now on.

My best regards to all,


PS—I tried submitting this as an Op-Ed piece to the NY Times and some other newspapers. “Sorry”, they said, “not interested.” Hmmm … when I was a kid, I worked in the newsroom of our local paper. The saying at that time was “Bad news sells papers”. Seems like it’s still true, which may be why they weren’t interested in my Op-Ed about fixing the system.

Or perhaps they didn’t want to print it because they’re mostly Democrats with bylines, and far too many Democrats for unknown reasons are opposed to things like Voter ID.

Or maybe they weren’t interested because they just didn’t like my writing style. Fair enough, I’m sure I’m not everyone’s cup of meat.

But every citizen should be interested in making sure every vote is counted, and that every vote counts. The changes required are small. We can get this done, and we must. This embarrassing charade simply cannot continue.

PPS—Someone gets caught forging a signature on one single fraudulent ballot … and gets 15 years in prison.

38 thoughts on “Election Fraud Is Easy

  1. I’d be interested to see a copy of the actual ballot – isn’t there some kind of barcode to keep track of ballots?
    Or is that too sensible of an idea for government to have thought of?


  2. “This embarrassing charade simply cannot continue.”
    Wrong. It has barely started.
    Thanks for risking a serious penalty. But you really didn’t do it. There is no election fraud. Democrats simply know. The foundation of a one-party system is in place.
    I’ll visit you at San Quentin.


  3. I’m quite certain that the state will not make a big deal about this which is why everyone else should. I will spread this far and wide.


  4. > Voter Photo ID must be required, as is the case in Mexico, India, and almost every country. ID is to be provided by the state free of charge.

    Good luck getting a national identity card past the libertarian/conservative voting block.

    And how many op-eds get submitted every day to the NYTimes, Willis? You’ve taken self-victimization to a new level. Congrats.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Get stuffed. I’m not a “victim”. I SPECIFICALLY said “Or maybe they weren’t interested because they just didn’t like my writing style. Fair enough, I’m sure I’m not everyone’s cup of meat.”

      Why did I say that?

      Because a) it’s true, and b) I figured some charming fellowlike you would show up and totally miss the point because you wanted so badly to stand on your tiptoes to unsuccessfully try to bite my ankles.

      Nice try. Now go crawl back under your rock. Trot out your vile accusations here again and I’ll ban you so fast your okole will be in the next county before your brain registers that you’re on your way out.

      Sorry, folks, but Joshua is a piece of work who has such a pathetic life that he thinks it’s a great sport to follow me around the intarwebs just to harass me wherever I might post. Imagine your world being that empty.

      I know, I know, I should feel sorry for him, and make allowances for his obvious mental problems. It’s the civilized thing to do.

      But every time I’ve tried to gently warn him off, he’s just doubled down on the ugliness … and I’m fed up with it


      Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks for this. A great though depressing experiment. Voting used to be so easy (I first voted in 1968) and the results were out the next day. I hope Florida will be the leader here and shame the other states into reform. Unfortunately I think California is this way because it wants to be.


    • Salute!

      After the debacle of hanging chads and such in 2000, Florida started to change the ballots and the way elections were conducted, and we started “early voting” at a few places in each county.

      With many military folks in our surrounding Panhandle counties, this was a blessing due to frequent deployments too late to go thru the absentee ballot process. Therefore, one had to get to one of the early voting places, show your I.D. and vote and go back to the “sand box” for the third time! Over the last 20 years, we have added more “early voting” places, but not implemented mass mail-in ballots. Guess what? Florida is becoming a beacon to demonstrate how to run a fair and timely election system.

      Along the way, some electronic touchscreen devices have been tried in a few venues and then ditched. One county had over ten thousand votes not counted because the voters still had to sign in with I.D., but next day the machines had failed to record their votes. So most here use a simple paper ballot and “sharpie” to fill in an oval for the candidate – unlike the punch card system of fame back in 2000. Our ballot can be put into the machine upside down and backwards and still gets counted correctly. At closing time, the poll folks connect to the county via a basic phone line ( not internet) and an hour after the polls close we have results. Real hard, huh?

      As far as Willis trying to be arrested, we have had an investigative reporter or two from the northeast vote here and back home in New Jersey or New York or…. with no problem for the double vote. Just have a Florida driver license and current electric bill. But that’s a hard way to harvest thousands of votes.

      Gums sends…


  6. I love your style Willis. You commit a “crime” to prove that the ‘impossible to commit crime’ is possible! You will not be charged because your “crime” is not possible to commit! And you document all this in a public forum by posting it on your blog! You are creating a dilemma of exploding heads!


  7. Great piece. Thank you.

    I suppose it needs to be pointed out that the word “fraud” is a very broad one. It can encompass a lot of extremely bad laws, rules and maliciously negligent administrative acts, that enable the massive disenfranchisement of legitimate voters, by opening the door to invalid ballot ballot box stuffing. Broadly speaking what the law disallows is voter disenfranchisement. Examples of infractions and rule breakings are just evidence for the judgment call of a jury, or judge.


  8. Just a quick question. Were the two ballots identical, or did you reverse the picks on the second to effectively cancel the first?

    If the government wanted to claim ‘fraud’, would a/the cancellation be considered? (Sorry, two questions.)


  9. In my state, we have universal voting by mail (ballots are sent without having to twist one). It is possible to vote by mail & then to show up later in person at the polling place to vote. If that is done, the vote-by-mail ballot is ignored (superceded). It’s probably the same in California—at least you might want to check to make sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Salute Miles!

      So I assume in your state that each registered voter has some unique I.D. and it is used by some kinda computer system to avoid the double vote problem. Correct?

      Maybe your state individually marks each mail ballot with your I.D., then at a physical polling venue your unique I.D. is used again. No wonder it takes Arizona over a week to get the vote counted.

      BTW, my buddy in California claims a county or two had more votes than the number of legal, registered voters. Surely they had some means to cancel double votes, you think?

      Make no mistake, I like absentee ballots for we military or even contractors that have to “deploy” on a moment’s notice. But the unique I.D. of the voter is very important, and must be on each ballot and then have some means on election day to compare/look for duplicate I.D. So you can see where I am going with this line of reasoning/criticism.

      Gums sends…


  10. Hi Willis,
    Lucia over at her blog says she has worked counting ballots in Illinois, and that when someone votes twice as you did (once by mail and once in person) the poll workers always discarded the mail ballot and counted only the in-person vote. Are you certain that is not done in your part of California?


    • Possible, but why would they not notify the voter? That seems nuts.

      Also, I could have easily walked up my street and collected two dozen mail-in ballots, filled them out, and sent them in. Many of those folks would then get a new mail-in ballot and vote by mail, and others wouldn’t vote at all … what then?

      My point remains. Mail-in ballots are an open invitation to fraud in a dozen different ways. Anyone working at an old folks home can collect all the ballots, fill them out, and send them in.



      • “Possible, but why would they not notify the voter? That seems nuts.”

        Donno, maybe those are the regulations, (as they are in Illinois), or maybe they are assume you suffer dementia and don’t want to bother with the effort to contact you. I completely agree that mail-in ballots are ripe for widespread fraudulent voting and, and especially the buying of votes. I am just not certain that your efforts to double-vote were successful. Anyway, if you did in fact double vote, I hope nobody prosecutes you for trying to demonstrate the security weakness of mail-in ballots.


  11. Willis,
    BTW, glad you see Joshua off. His arguments are either irrelevant, passive/aggressive, or personally insulting. I gave up on responding to him a long time ago.


  12. Willis,
    none of your proposed remedies would solve the issue you raise. Even if you vote in person you can easily go to multiple polling sites and vote multiple times. The only remedy would be to keep registers of who voted and where and collate them at the end. In NZ for example you get sent a polling card that you have to hand in when you vote. If you lose you you get to cast a provisional ballot but that gets checked.

    The other issue is that voting is meant to be easy which is always going to mean that committing fraud is also easy. It is similar to the British justice system that is based around the idea that it is better for 100 guilty people to go free than for one innocent person to go to gaol. And lots of crimes are easy to commit — speeding, drink driving, shoplifting for example. But the incidence of them is low enough that it is not worth making them harder to commit — speed limiters and GPS trackers could eliminate speeding but nobody is going to suggest that all cars should be fitted with them. It is the same with voting fraud. In the US there is no evidence that it is a significant problem and certainly while isolated cases of it exist no evidence exists to suggest that it is common enough to swing an election.


  13. Hi Willis; I am on wordpress hoping to find some advise and assistance with some data.
    What would you do if you discovered activity and documented what appears to be election fraud
    in California? This is not a joke or hoax. Peggy


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