The Further Adventures Of The Bad Voter Boy

A month or so ago, on X/Twitter, I repeated my public confession of committing voter fraud in our California elections. I’ve posted about it on Twitter back in the day, on X recently, Facebook IIRC, wherever I could. I repeated that I had read and I believed that mass mail-in voting was an invitation to…

Behind Bars Again

I’ve written about my time in the US Army, and about spending time behind bars getting out of the Army, in my story called It’s Not About Me. In that story, I discussed a bit of my view on the Vietnam war, the view echoed by many who have studied it since—that it was the wrong…

Wally’s Custom Bride

The South Pacific is a marvelous place for characters, it attracts them and magnifies them the same way it magnifies all the tales and rumors. After a while I developed Willis’s Rule of Rumors, which is that you need to divide all the numbers in a story about some other island by the square root…

Wandering in Wonderland

In November I’d ordered a camper shell for my truck, and it finally came in. I drove to town to drop the truck off for 2-1/2 hours until it was installed. So as is my custom, I went out to wander the streets and see what the inhabitants were up to. As is also my…

Once More Into The Breach, Dear Friends

Today, I needed to clear the final recall notice on my faithful Ram pickup. So of course, as is my habit, after dropping the truck off at the dealers I went to talk to the homeless folks. I’ve written about this curious habit of mine in previous posts entitled “Fixing The Brakes“, “Fixing The EGR“,…

The Walking Wounded

Once again, I had to take my Ram pickup truck to the dealer. This time, it was just to make sure it was OK before the warranty ran out. And once again, I bought a pack of smokes and went out to talk to the homeless.  The first people I ran into were Mack and…

Of Passion And Compassion

After I wrote my most recent piece about wandering around in the world of the homeless, called “Fixing The EGR“, some folks accused me of being compassionate. Funny, but I don’t see it that way at all, for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that we grew up without much money. My “new”…

Fixing the EGR

My faithful Ram 1500 had a recall notice for the Exhaust Gas Recirculating system. They said it would take about four hours, so I figured I’d wander the streets of Santa Rosa. In a previous post called “Fixing The Brakes” I spoke about how I think it’s wrong to ignore the homeless. I don’t mean…

Ranger Rick

In this New Year, to counterbalance these most fractious times I thought I’d tell a tale of humanity and caring. I’ve had the privilege of living in a wide variety of countries and societies. And having not always been entirely sane myself, one way that I judge societies is by how they handle their crazy folks.…

Hitchhiking Into The Unknown

I was watching the TV series “Call The Midwife” tonight with my gorgeous ex-fiancée. It takes place back in 1964. Two of the characters were old gay men, very much in love in a society where it was still “the love that can’t be named”, the love that at the time was still very illegal…