In Twitter Suspense

Well, my news for today is that I got permanently suspended from Twitter, without warning, without notice, and without reason. Not a temporary suspension. Permanent.

No idea why, far as I know I’ve been coloring inside the lines. But what do I know, I was born yesterday.

I’ve appealed it, but no reply. Over at Twitter HQ, the entire place is likely in a total uproar because of the new work rules and the number of people who’ve quit.

It may just have been some frustrated Tweep taking it out on me as he/she went out the door. Understandable, it’s a hard time for some folks over there.

We’ll see how it plays out. I hope @elonmusk changes the procedure. Why don’t they tell me which tweet I got busted for?

In the meantime, I’ll still be here and on Facebook unless FB decides I’m a bad boy.

If anyone would like to tweet a request to unsuspend me to @elonmusk or to any appropriate Twitter account, I’d appreciate it greatly. My Twitter handle is @WEschenbach.

In any case, I’ve probably been spending far, far too much time on Twitter anyhow. And since leaving Twitter, I’ve met a very pretty woman who says she’s my wife. She seems nice.

My very best to all,


[Update] Here’s my latest letter to Twitter appealing my suspension.

Well, this is becoming my pleasant morning task, to write another letter appealing my suspension.

In short, I was given a permanent suspension with no notice. I was not told what I had done wrong, and it is my strong contention that I have not broken any of the Twitter rules. It has been and was my intention to color between the lines.

Now, I do understand that there is only a minimum crew still working, and you have my compassion. Your task is far from an easy one.

And I also know that I’m small fry, not like say Jordan Peterson. So I understand that you are dealing with the big issues before you get to accounts like mine with thousands of followers, not tens and tens of thousands.

I figure I’ll just write you guys a letter a day to remind you of us little folk. While the unfair suspension of Jordan Peterson is big news to the world, my unfair suspension is big news to me …

In closing, let me offer you my congratulations that the site is still up and running. And let me once again offer you my request to lift my suspension.

In friendship,


24 thoughts on “In Twitter Suspense

  1. See below the text of my Tweets ( on the Twitter unpersoning of notorious thought criminal Willis Eschenbach …

    @elonmusk — Twitter user @weschenbach has just been “permanently suspended from Twitter, without warning, without notice, and without reason”. Would you please investigate this matter? @weschenbach has long been an excellent source of technical/scientific analysis on issues associated with Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (AKA “climate change”).

    @weschenbach hypothesizes that he is the victim of “some frustrated Tweep taking it out on [him] as he/she went out the door”.

    I don’t need to tell you that it is important that departing woke Twitter staff not be allowed to destroy the platform for which you paid $44 billion.[]

    @weschenbach’s blogging on his Twitter unpersoning can be read at []

    Liked by 3 people

  2. It does appear that departing twatters are trashing everything they can on the way out the door. How very adult of them, much like Clinton Admin staffers trashing executive offices when they got kicked out in 2000.


  3. Ok, who did you really piss off? Can’t reach your website today either. Just tried multiple attempts in 3 different browsers on Android mobile. I’m running the latest version, up to date on all my apps & OS.

    Tried going there directly from saved bookmarks too, Not happening! Did you get hacked or something? I would hope you have an anti-malware app guarding your Systems?

    I’ll tweet out a request to have you reinstated right after this.

    Best regards,

    David L, aka: Gen. Chang all over social media @LooseDogsOfWar on Twitter


  4. Ironic, just as I’m trying to reach your website, my data connection went down! I’m now able to reach your site, and Twitter too. SMH


  5. ICYMI there is another account that might be using a version of your @ name. First 2 letters capitalized. @WEschenbach? Not sure if that makes a difference, I thought it did? I pointed it out to Elon Musk there.


  6. Oh! Eloon Gantry is doing an end run on the leftards! He is forcing them to make new accounts, and their new accounts are being scrutinized by people, not algorithms. I don’t like the man, same as I don’t like Trump, both grifters. They are far and above their enemies intelligence wise.


  7. “When you are up to your ass in alligators, it is difficult to remember that your original objective was to drain the swamp.”


  8. Pingback: Equatorial Rainfall by Hour – Watts Up With That? - Lead Right News

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  10. My solution here is based on the dubious authority of “Some random on the Internet said …”, so apologies in advance if it’s wrong.
    “It is a bad interface design, but the letter to you from twitter announcing your suspension for breach of Twitter rules (link) takes you to the particular post they found offensive if you click on the link.”
    It’s the phrase ‘Twitter rules’ that is the link.
    All the best,


    • Thanks, Leo. I just tried that. All it did was take me to a copy of the “Twitter Rules”, which are so vague as to be useless.

      Here’s an example:

      “We prohibit targeting others with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanize, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category.

      This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.

      We also prohibit the dehumanization of a group of people based on their religion, caste, age, disability, serious disease, national origin, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.”

      What does it mean to “dehumanize” someone? If I say Trump is a disgrace to humanity, am I “dehumanizing” him? How about if I say that Biden is corruptly making money with Hunter. Dehumanization?

      The dictionary is of little help:


      deprive of positive human qualities.
      “brutal management methods and fear can dehumanize people”

      That definition means you treat someone so cruelly that they become somehow less human, like say in a jail or the military or something … the problem is, there’s no conceivable way you can do that over the web.

      Next, “targeted misgendering”. I refuse to refer to the Duke trans swimmer Liar Thomas as “she”. Why? Because that’s a lie. He’s a man, just like all “transwomen” are. I’m sorry, but men cannot magically turn into women.

      So … “targeted misgendering” seems to mean honestly telling the truth, and not caving to the demands of men with mental problems.

      Like I said, the Twitter Rules are an unenforceable joke.

      I discuss this problem in a post called “Bright Line Distinctions”


      Bright Line Distinctions


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